Friday, May 16, 2008

Hair in my Skirt

By Kimee E. Santiago
May 14, 2008

I tug at a stray thread

Dangling from my skirt hem.

It stretches, as the cloth

Ripples with resistance.

It breaks to coil into a frizzed

Ringlet and announce

It is hair, not thread.

For a year of wears-and-washes

My skirt kept a secret:

It has life stitched in it

Peeking into me, into a spot

Most honest and pure.


H said...

Is it really hair? How the heavens did it get in there?!

I wonder whose hair it is. That's a potential DNA sample, dear.

count vladimir said...

how in the world did i miss commenting on this very interesting work? is this a coming-of-age poem?

just how long is that hair? ;)

kastanyas santissima said...

i will leave these questions unanswered. ;D